Her wheelchair fell backward as she was going up the bus's ramp.
She hit her head on the pavement and was taken by ambulance to the hospital.
No word on her condition.The Illinois-based company was picked to take-over the routes from the MTA following a funding dispute.
A statement from NICE stated: "NICE bus is praying for the speedy recovery of Ms. Yanger. She was cared for by medically trained personnel at the scene and subsequently by Nassau County Police ambulance, which transported her to the hospital. She was injured as she was entering unassisted in her wheelchair onto a bus. The bus she was entering is part of the existing fleet of vehicles that is owned by Nassau County and until today was operated by the MTA. It has been in service for 2 years and was manufactured by Orion. This bus recently went through a full safety inspection conducted by the New York State Department of Transportation. The wheelchair ramp was part of that inspection. The NYS DOT approved the bus on November 7, 2011."
Veolia Transportation just started operating the Nassau Inter-County Express or NICE bus system Sunday.
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