The two-and-a-half year-old girl, who was found bleeding in the arms of her rambling, incoherent mother, had been stabbed in the jaw and head inside a Putnam Avenue apartment just after 4:00 Friday morning.
Investigators said she may been choked as well. There were strangulation marks around her neck, they said.
Cathryn Nwegbo was rushed to Woodhull Hospital where she was pronounced dead.Authorities said the child's troubled mother, 29 year old Brandis Nwegbo, blamed the death on demons and God not being there to help.
She was undergoing psychiatric evaluation.
Authorities went to the family's home early Friday after getting a report that someone might be trying to jump off the roof.
They went first to the roof, but saw no one and noticed a trail of blood that led them to a lower floor apartment. Inside, they found the girl and her mother.
The apartment was in disarray, a fish tank was broken nearby.
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