Actor Chuck Norris recently appeared in a political ad alongside his wife Gena Norris to issue a warning to America.
In the video, which can be viewed below, Norris warns, "Our great country and freedom are under attack. We're at a tipping point and quite possibly, our country as we know it may be lost forever if we don't change the course our country is headed."
"We know you love your family and your freedom as much as Gena and I do and it is because of that we can no long sit quietly or stand on the sidelines while our country go by the way of socialism or something much worse," he later adds.
The 72-year-old action star, who recently appeared in "The Expendables 2," has been a noted supporter of Republican candidates for years and endorsed Newt Gingrich back in January when the politician was running to be the Republican candidate in the presidential election on November 6.
In the past, Norris has donated more than $45,000 to right-wing groups such as the Tea Party Express and the National Republican Trust and to candidates such as George W. Bush, his father George H.W. Bush and former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee.
Norris' wife also speaks in the ad several times including an instance where she encourages evangelical Christians to vote in the next election.
"With our country at a cross roads Chuck and I have asked ourselves what we can be doing to help support this great country we're blessed to live in and how we can encourage our like-minded brothers and sisters to unite and let their voices be heard," she says. "It is estimated that in the 2008 election, 30 million evangelical Christians stayed home on voting day and Obama won the election by 10 million votes."
Norris lives in Dallas, Texas with his wife Gena and their 9-year-old twin son and daughter, Dakota and Danilee. Norris rose to fame with the 1990s series "Walker: Texas Ranger" and has inspired online lists of fan-written "facts" - such as, "There are only two things that can cut diamonds: Other diamonds, and Chuck Norris."
Norris does not endorse Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney in the ad. The commercial comes on the heels of actor and director Clint Eastwood's speech at the Republican National Convention where he criticized President Obama and address an empty chair as the president.
Check out Chuck Norris' ad below.
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