They say it is not exactly a tourist destination, and wonder what kind of hotel it would be.
The area is lined with salvage yards, scrap metal yards, auto repair shops and gas stations, with apartments across the street. It's not exactly a prime location for a new hotel. The company building the project hasn't released many details so far, and residents are nervous.
The empty lot where the hotel is slated to be built is currently filled with a pile of dirt and old tires. Community groups are demanding answers and plan to begin a letter-writing campaign to send to Mayor Michael Bloomberg's office.Residents say they are not anti-business, they just want more information.
"It's the worst thing you could ever have in the neighborhood," resident Sidney Lawrence said. "It contaminates the area.There are children involved. There's churches involved. I've been on the block here for the past 33 years, and this is the worst thing I've ever heard coming to the neighborhood. We can't see anything positive coming from it."
Councilman Jumaane Williams is also opposed to the project, but there is nothing that can be done legally. The area is zoned for mixed use.
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