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From the top trends on the web to the latest viral videos on YouTube to cool new apps and much more, The Trend is your one-stop destination for the daily buzz!
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05/23/2011 Tornado terror in Joplin
Good morning,
The tornado disaster in Joplin, Missouri this morning is all the buzz on the net as dozens of people are dead and the damage is extensive. Videos of the aftermath of the tornado began showing up within an hour after the tornado hit. One of the most terrifying is a video shot by people hiding in a store as the tornado hit. It's dark, but what is terrifying is the audio as glass from the store gets sucked out by the force of the twister. It reminds me of that movie The Blair Witch Project.
Also trending… Joseph Brooks, the composer of You Light Up My Life, who apparently took his own life over the weekend while awaiting trial on charges of sexually assaulting more than a dozen women…. And Mullah Omar, the Taliban leader in Afghanistan, who Afghan TV reported was dead, but then the Taliban said he's still alive.
On YouTube, Shaq Attacking Sleep Apnea was the most watched video over the weekend. The video is one in a series that explains the diagnosis and treatment of sleep apnea, which is characterized by abnormal breathing during sleep. It can result in serious medical problems. For more information, visit www.understandingsleep.org.
My personal favorite video of the weekend comes from Byron Louie in Sacremento, California, who created a time lapse of his German Shepherd, Dunder, comprised of daily photos from just eight weeks old to the dog’s first birthday.
That's the trend!
Posted by WABC on May 23, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0) 05/20/2011 Book buys, space rides and human bowlingGood morning,
With time running out according to believers, Judgment Day is dominating the trend as people search for information and answers to questions. ABC News has a pretty good story about the psychology of this mania and why people are so obsessed with Armageddon.
Lance Armstrong is trending after his ex-teammate Tyler Hamilton says he saw his former U.S. Postal Service teammate use the performance-enhancing drug EPO "many, many times" in order to win the Tour de France.
Barnes & Noble is making headlines after cable mogul John Malone made a surprise $1 billion dollar bid for the company. In cash. The Wall Street Journal headline clabels it "Insane!"
From our sister station WJRT comes the story of a pair of New Yorkers who moved to Flint and within 24 hours got robbed, shot at and attacked. The couple decided to move to Flint from Upstate after finding an abandoned home online for $1600.
Happy birthday to Cher! She turned 65 today. According to Yahoo! Clues, 59% of searches for her today are by males and her top searched song this week is still her 1998 hit, “Believe.” Top states searching for Cher on Yahoo! today are Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Texas, and Georgia.
Also from Yahoo! one of the big searches this week in New York and New Jersey is for strawberries, including “strawberry pie,” “strawberry rhubarb pie” and “strawberry shortcake recipes,” perhaps because many strawberry festivals kick off this week throughout the nation.
The Google Doodle art contest is over and the winner is an 8-year-old boy from San Bruno, California. KGO has more on Matteo Lopez, who’s doodle is gracing the Google.com home page.
A trending video on YouTube is the maiden test flight of the Virgin Gallactic’s SpaceShip Two. The flight over California’s Mojave Desert is another step toward Richard Branson’s vision of suborbital space tourism. The craft is carried to 51,000, then dropped. It’s not for the feint-of-heart. My stomach was twisting and turning just watching the 15,500 foot-per-minute dive.
Back on Earth, what do you do when rain delays a baseball game? The players in the Clemson - Davidson by entertaining the crowd with human bowling. Might try this one with the kids this weekend.
That’s the trend!
Have a great day,
Posted by WABC on May 20, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0) 05/19/2011 Zombie ApocalypseGood afternoon!
One of the hot tweets today is Zombie Apocalypse, and while you might think it has something to do with the predicted end of the world on Saturday, the source is actually the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
It seems the CDC tweeted a blog post “Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse.”
Someone at the CDC thought this idea would be great for attention, and it was. The blog post got so many hits that it’s still down. (http://blogs.cdc.gov/publichealthmatters/2011/05/preparedness-101-zombie-apocalypse/)
Bloggers who claim to have seen the post prior to the site crash, claim the CDC presented guidelines such as “Identify the types of emergencies that are possible in your area. Besides a zombie apocalypse, this may include floods, tornadoes, or earthquakes….” and “Plan your evacuation route. When zombies are hungry they won't stop until they get food (i.e., brains), which means you need to get out of town fast!”
While the blog post is unavailable, the CDC main site is up and there’s a link to http://emergency.cdc.gov/socialmedia/zombies.asp, which includes zombie-related buttons and badges to spread the word about preparing for emergencies…. And that was the point of all of it… if you are prepared for a zombie attack, you’re prepared for any emergency.
The idea came about when the communications team at the CDC noticed that mentioning the word 'zombie' in a Twitter session caused traffic to spike, a spokesman told The Wall Street Journal.
If nothing else, the CDC may have learned it needs to prepare its servers in the event of a real zombie attack.
One other notable trend this afternoon is LinkedIn, which became the first major social media company to go public this morning on the New York Stock Exchange. The IPO was $45, and it more than doubled in the first hours of trading, topping $100 a share by mid-day. Imagine what Facebook will do if and when it goes public.
That’s the trend!
Posted by WABC on May 19, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0) Arnold, DSK and the real Glee choir in trouble
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s love child is a dominant story across the web this morning. Checking about a half-dozen major media outlets finds the story is the most popular across the board, including on abcnews.com. Lots of searches surrounding this story too as people try to learn more about the mother of the child.
The other sex scandal making headlines this week is also trending high as Dominique Strauss-Kahn resigned as IMF chief overnight and heads into a bail hearing later today.
The Cannes film festival jumped into The Trend overnight after Lars Von Trier declared himself a Nazi and Hitler sympathizer and was banned from the festival. At the same time, his film Melancholia premiered at the festival and one of the stars, a very pregnant French actress Charlotte Gainsbourg, jumped into The Trend by wearing a sheer black dress with a see-through bra.
KABC has a pair of stories trending this morning. The first is a story about a TSA agent stealing from suitcases at LAX. The second is the high school choir that inspired the hit TV series 'Glee' is facing financial trouble, and trying to raise enough money to stay afloat.
Looking for fashion ideas? KGO has a popular shared story focusing on hot celebrity fashions.
We’re seeing many interesting “how to get rid of” searches this week on Yahoo!. Specifically, people are interested in getting rid of fleas, bed bugs, ants, and gnats. We’re even seeing searches spike for “how to get rid of cellulite” (25% by males) and “how to get rid of stretch marks” (33% by males).
Searches on Yahoo! for “gagaville” spiked 12,192% fans unlock songs from Lady Gaga’s upcoming album in the Gaga-themed game. We’re seeing lots of interest in her upcoming song, “Judas,” which receives 200% more searches than her other new song, “Marry The Night.” According to Yahoo!, 52% of searches for “gagaville” are from males. Lady Gaga kicks off the GMA Summer Concert Series next Friday, May 27 in Central Park.
From the video vaults, Beyonce is rising in the ranks with the release of her new music video, while Newt Gingrich getting glittered in Minnesota is the most popular video of the day on YouTube….
A promotion spot on waffle balls is also trending as it shows off some wicked curves…
And hanging around in the top ten this week has been an unusual video put to music of a cat and owl playing together. See, we can all get along.
That’s the trend!
Posted by WABC on May 19, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0) 05/18/2011 The end of the world, super soccer shot, and the Beatrice hatGood afternoon!
As we get closer to the much-hyped end of the world, the searches for information are rising.
For those who have not heard yet, believers say that on May 21 at 6 p.m., judgment day will arrive. The hype over it has resulted in many stories, from the serious to the silly including one that asks what will become of our pets?
Guinea is among the big searches on Google as the hotel maid in the Strauss-Kahn sex case is an immigrant from Guinea. The BBC has a nice profile page about the West African nation.
TMZ is trending with more scoops on the Arnold Schwarzenegger love child… the latest being a copy of the birth certificate of the boy.
Cesar Chavez moves into the trend with the US Navy deciding to name a ship after the labor leader and civil rights activist who co-founded the National Farm Workers Associated (later known as United Farm Workers).
Sad news from actress Jennifer Aniston is trending on Yahoo!. Her 15-year-old Welsh corgi-terrier Norman has died.
Bill Clinton is trending on Twitter as he gives the NYU commencement speech at Yankee Stadium.
Hot on YouTube is a high school soccer highlight from a match between Bryant High School against Conway High School in Arkansas. It's drawn more than 700,000 views in just two days.
Finally, Princess Beatrice's wedding hat has become a hot topic as online auctioneer eBay says that bids for one of the wackiest pieces of royal wedding headgear have approached 18,400 pounds ($30,000.)
The hat has something of a cult following, including a Facebook page with 140,000+ likes. Money raised by the auction will go to the UNICEF and Children in Crisis charities. You still have time to get in your bid as the auction is open until May 22, assuming the world doesn't end before then.
That’s the trend!
Have a great rest of today,
Posted by WABC on May 18, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0) Oprah, Kyrie and the greatest marriage proposal ever
Good morning!
Oprah, Oprah, Oprah. Her star-studded send-off party in Chicago last night is all the buzz on the net this morning. She recorded two of her final three shows last night, the last with an audience. The final show airs on Wednesday, May 25.
If people are not talking about Oprah, they are tweeting about the NBA draft lottery. Kyrie Irving is buzzing as the potential number one pick by the Cleveland Cavs, which won the lottery. That apparently did not sit well with David Kahn, the GM of the Minnesota Timberwolves, who hints that the lottery was fixed (he’s joking, we think?)
"This league has a habit, and I am just going to say habit, of producing some pretty incredible story lines. Last year it was Abe Pollin's widow and this year it was a 14-year-old boy (Nick Gilbert, son of the Cavs owner) and the only thing we have in common is we have both been bar mitzvahed. We were done. I told (Jazz GM Kevin O'Connor): 'We're toast.' This is not happening for us and I was right," Kahn said.
Stevie Nicks hit the trend this morning because she sang new song “Single Love” on Dancing With The Stars.
Around the country, WPVI has a trending story about a terrible accident in which a toddler died after falling into a grease pit… KFSN in Fresno is buzzing with a story about a 13-year-old questioned by the Secret Service over a Facebook post. Turns out, after Osama bin Laden was killed, Vito Lapinta posted an update to his Facebook status that got the feds attention. "I was saying how Osama is dead and for Obama to be careful because there might be suicide bombers." … and KABC has a viral surveillance video that shows an Ohio mom driving over her teenage daughter in a parking lot after an argument.
Speaking of viral videos, the greatest marriage proposal ever is fighting for the most popular video of the day with perhaps the most uplifting story ever.
The first video is about a guy who's girlfriend went to the movie theater to see Fast Five. After a preview for the Hangover 2, a trailer for a movie comes on…. But the trailer was made by the boyfriend, showing him asking dad permission for her hand in marriage. You have to watch the video to see what happens next…
And from UC Berkley comes the story of Austin Whitney, a student who was paralyzed in an auto accident four years ago. At his commencement ceremony this week, Austin walked across the stage using the "Austin" exoskeleton, developed by Berkeley's Prof. Homayoon Kazerooni and his team of mechanical engineering students. How great is that!?!
That’s the trend!
Posted by WABC on May 18, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0) 05/17/2011 International Museum Day, Princess Beatrice Hat and other Yahoo! trendsThese are some of the top items that we are seeing spike in Search on Yahoo!:
Museum Day: Tomorrow is International Museum Day, so we decided to take a look at the top searched museums this week on Yahoo!. Topping the list is the Museum of Moving Image, followed by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Museum of National History, The Smithsonian Museum, and the Museum of Science and Industry.Going Once, Going Twice: Searches are up 29,276% this week for “princess beatrice hat” and off the charts 25% this week for “prince beatrice of York hat” on Yahoo! as the Princess auctions off her attention grabbing hat online tomorrow. Who may be most interested in bidding? According to Yahoo!, mainly women are interested and 37% of searches are by females ages 35-54 (see here: http://yhoo.it/BeaHAT).How To Cook: This week we’re seeing searches for how to cook fiddleheads (a fern plant), kale and spaghetti squash, as well as some fun searches for “how to cut a mango,” “how to make ice cream” and “how to make fondant.”Grape Seed Extract: Searches for “grape seed extract” and “benefits of grape seed extract” are spiking off the charts today on Yahoo! as they now being touted to increase metabolism and therefore help with weight loss. 64% of searches today are by women (see here: http://yhoo.it/GraPES).ACL: With people hitting the outdoors and getting fit, are more people tearing their ACL’s? Searches for “anterior cruciate ligament” are spiking 230% today on Yahoo! and searches for “torn acl” are up as well. According to Yahoo!, the majority of searches today for both terms were by females (see here: http://yhoo.it/tornACL). Posted by WABC on May 17, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0) Playing catchOne of our favorite fun videos of the day from Japan. A beagle that likes to play catch. Real catch.
Posted by WABC on May 17, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0) Panhandlers on the subway and 25,000 Big Macs
Good afternoon!
MTA has jumped into the trends this afternoon on the heels of Mayor Bloomberg’s response to a question about increasing panhandlers in the subway. "There aren't very many panhandlers left, c'mon, that's a cheap shot at an agency that has worked very hard to fix that problem," he said. Advocates and subway riders are scratching their head at that comment. Joel Berg, head of the New York City Coalition Against Hunger, called the remark "absurd" and said it "bears no relation to reality."
We would love to know what you think about this issue. Click on comment below to leave your response. We may publish it here or use it on Eyewitness News.
Ireland is also trending as the Queen Elizabeth II began the first visit by a British monarch to the Republic. Her grandfather visited Dublin a century ago, when Ireland was still part of the British Empire. The painstakingly choreographed and highly secure visit has been designed to highlight improving relations between the Ireland and Britain.
May 21 is approaching, and so is doomsday according to believers. It’s trending on both Google and Twitter this afternoon, and our special from Eyewitness News at 11 is the most popular story of the day on 7online.com.
From around the country, visitors to KABC’s website in Los Angeles are sharing a story about massage to treat laryngitis. The source of the problem is muscle tension dysphonia. It happens when muscles around the voice-box tighten up, causing hoarseness and voice fatigue. "We're applying it directly to the throat, the larynx area," says physical therapist Carey Tomlinson.
And WLS is trending with a story about a Wisconsin man who has eaten 24,999 Big Macs. Guess where he’s having lunch today? Don Gorske plans to eat number 25,000 on the 39th anniversary of eating his first one at McDonald's in Fond du Lac Tuesday afternoon. The 57-year-old Gorske says he ate nine on May 17, 1972 and has only missed nine days since then, for various reasons. He usually eats two a day.
Finally, why did the sloth cross the road? Well, check out one of the most popular videos on YouTube to find out. It’s gotten a quite a few laughs here in the newsroom.
That’s the trend!
Make it a great rest of today,
Posted by WABC on May 17, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0) While you were sleeping...Good morning!
Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver are not topping the trends, but they sure are rising fast. That follows a Los Angeles Times story early this morning in which he admits to fathering a child with a household staff member, resulting in his separation from wife.
"After leaving the governor's office, I told my wife about this event, which occurred over a decade ago," Schwarzenegger said in a statement. "I understand and deserve the feelings of anger and disappointment among my friends and family. There are no excuses and I take full responsibility for the hurt I have caused. I have apologized to Maria, my children and my family. I am truly sorry."
Expect to hear more about this story throughout the day as it is certainly buzzing.
The latest encounter between Jon Stewart and Bill O’Reilly last night is getting a lot attention as they debated whether it was right of the Obama administration to invite rapper Common to the White House for a poetry event last week. O’Reilly told Stewart that he was “shocked that you don't understand why people like me and millions of Americans are upset” because, he said, Common supported "cop killers." Stewart fired back that Common was actually supporting people who he felt were unjustly convicted of killing.
“Why are you drawing the line at Common?" Stewart asked. "There is a selective outrage machine here at Fox that pettifogs only when it suits the narrative that suits them. This guy is in the crosshairs in a way that he shouldn't be."
Also in the news, U.S. book stores are censoring the cover of Dossier featuring androgynous model Andrej Pejic. Dossier Co-Founder and Creative Director Skye Parrott told The Huffington Post that the bookstores asked for all copies of the magazine to be placed in "opaque poly bags because even though they knew Andrej was a man, he looked too much like a woman, basically." Judge for yourself.
Actress Jenna Fischer is trending because she and new husband Lee Kirk are expecting their first baby…. Kate Bush is buzzing with a new album called Director’s Cut, which revisits earlier recordings… and Top Gun is trending because May 16th marked 25 years since the Tom Cruise classic hit the big screen.
From the video files, great video on You Tube this morning of the Tuscaloosa tornado. The person literally stands their ground as the tornado passes directly overhead. Don’t try this at home, please.
Also trending, is a lacrosse highlight that you don’t see every day. In fact, I rarely see lacrosse highlights, but this one is worth watching as Maryland pulls off a hidden ball trick in the NCAA tournament.
Finally from London comes The Wembley 360. You’ve probably seen photos like this one if you’ve gone to a Major League Baseball game or an NFL game… now there’s a 360-degree, 10-gigapixel panorama of the Wembley stadium. It was taken at the the FA Cup Final between Manchester City and Stoke City on May 14.
Photographer Jeffrey Martin used nearly 1,000 individual high resolution photos, which makes it the largest 360-degree sports panorama ever created. Facebook fans can tag themselves, and nearly 18,000 fans have done so. Martin used a professional Digital SLR and zoom lens mounted on a custom designed programmable robotic tripod head, which then rotates and snaps photos non-stop until the entire stadium has been captured.
That’s the trend!
Posted by WABC on May 17, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0) Categories Web/Tech Recent PostsTornado terror in JoplinBook buys, space rides and human bowlingZombie ApocalypseArnold, DSK and the real Glee choir in troubleThe end of the world, super soccer shot, and the Beatrice hatOprah, Kyrie and the greatest marriage proposal everInternational Museum Day, Princess Beatrice Hat and other Yahoo! trendsPlaying catchPanhandlers on the subway and 25,000 Big MacsWhile you were sleeping...Recent CommentsArchivesMay 2011May 2011SunMonTueWedThuFriSat12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? "https://sb" : "http://b") + ".scorecardresearch.com/beacon.js'%3E%3C/script%3E"));COMSCORE.beacon({ c1: 2, c2: "6035669", c3: "", c4: "http://wabc.typepad.com/thetrend/", c5: "", c6: "", c15: ""});
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