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Welcome to the Eyewitness News Interaction blog. When there's a topic worth discussing, this blog is the place to start. Click on COMMENT under the post to write your opinion on the topic. Be sure to include your name and location. We'll review it, and we may publish it here or use it on Eyewitness News on WABC-TV Channel 7 in New York! 07/05/2011 Who wants to live forever?
Biomedical gerontologist Aubrey de Grey's, chief scientist of a foundation dedicated to longevity research, says the first person who will live to 150 has likely already been born. He also says that the first person to live to 1,000 years will likely be born within 20 years of the first 150-year-old. So we want to know, do you think scientists and doctors can really bring aging under medical control? Would you even want to live that long? Let us know your thoughts, and you could see your response on Eyewitness News!
Posted by WABC on July 5, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (0) 07/04/2011 Rationing toilet paper on Coney Island?While the Parks Department says there’s no need for rationing, bathroom attendants on Coney Island boardwalk were apparently doling out a measured amount of toilet paper to women using the restroom over the weekend (there was apparently no need to do it on the men’s side).
What do you think of this effort to conserve on the part of the City? Click on comment to add your thoughts. We may publish them here or use them on Eyewitness News First at 4:00 p.m.
Technorati Tags:coney island, toilet paper Posted by WABC on July 4, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (12) 07/01/2011 Fast food and beerThey are two American icons - fast food and cold beer. But do they belong on the same menu? To try to lure customers in, more fast food restaurants are offering alcohol. Two Sonic locations in Florida will soon begin selling beer and wine at their stores, and Burger King already offers beer and wine at its specialty Whopper Bar locations. Some worry about people having a quick meal with a drink, and then getting behind the wheel. Others worry it sends the wrong message to kids. And some say the combination of fast food and beer could add to the obesity epidemic. What do you think? Send us your thoughts and you might see your response on Eyewitness News!
Posted by WABC on July 1, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (15) New hire smoking banAnother large company is banning smokers from the new employee pool. Health insurer Humana Inc. says it will begin testing all Arizona job applicants for tobacco use, and those who light up won't get the gig. The company says it will test new workers for nicotine use starting Friday, using a pre-employment urine drug screen. So what do you think? Is it discrimination or a smart business strategy? Should employers be able to control whether their employees smoke, even if it's just in their own homes? Let us know your thoughts, and you could see your response on Eyewitness News.
Posted by WABC on July 1, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (6) New hire smoking banAnother large company is banning smokers from the new employee pool. Health insurer Humana Inc. says it will begin testing all Arizona job applicants for tobacco use, and those who light up won't get the gig. The company says it will test new workers for nicotine use starting Friday, using a pre-employment urine drug screen. So what do you think? Is it discrimination or a smart business strategy? Should employers be able to control whether their employees smoke, even if it's just in their own homes? Let us know your thoughts, and you could see your response on Eyewitness News.
Posted by WABC on July 1, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (3) 06/30/2011 Consumer Reports surveys, rates fast-food jointsConsumer Reports has surveyed and rated all types of fast food joints. Chick-fil-A came in first for chicken, while Five Guys took top honors for burgers. Papa Murphy's Take'N'Bake Pizza was the surprising pizza winner. Chipotle was No. 1 for Mexican, and Wendy's fries were voted ahead of other chains. Click here for more on the story, then let us know your thoughts. Do you agree with their rankings? What are your thoughts on fast food? You might see your response on Eyewitness News.
Posted by WABC on June 30, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (4) 06/29/2011 Does Tracy Morgan need to apologize again?Tracy Morgan is facing controversy yet again for degrading remarks. The 42-year-old comic is said to have made degrading remarks about disabled people during a show at a comedy club in Manhattan last week. According to the New York Times, during the show Morgan warned during the audience, "Don't ever mess with women who have retarded kids." The comedian then went on using another offensive term for a woman with a prosthetic arm. Earlier this month, another one of Morgan's comedy routines was derailed when he came under fire for making homophobic comments during a show in Nashville. He has since apologized, and also denied he was homophobic. Does he need to apologize again? Tell us what you think and we may share your comment on Eyewitness News!
Posted by WABC on June 29, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (25) Teens and addictionA new study says teens who drink or do drugs before age 18 are more likely to become addicts. So we want to know, do you talk to your kids about drugs? And if so, what do you say? And are you honest about your past? Let us know your thoughts, and you could see your response on Eyewitness News.
Posted by WABC on June 29, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (2) 06/28/2011 San Francisco pet sales ban proposalLawmakers in San Francisco are considering a ban on pet sales. The Humane Pet Acquisition Proposal hopes to protect everything from Great Danes to goldfish. The proposal would slap a ban on the sale of all pets in the city to shore up the adoption of unwanted creatures from shelters and rescue organizations. According to the Los Angeles Times, representatives of the pet industry call the idea "by far the most radical ban we've seen" nationwide and argue that it would force small operators to close. Animal activists say it will save small but important lives, along with taxpayer money, and end needless suffering. What do you think - should pet sales be banned to force adoption of animals in shelters and rescues? Click on comment to voice your opinion. We may publish it here and/or use it on Eyewitness News First at 4:00 p.m.
Technorati Tags:animals, pet ban, pets, san francisco Posted by WABC on June 28, 2011 | Permalink | Comments (24) 06/27/2011 'Screen Time' and your kidsA new study is coming out on how much ‘screen time’ (Television, Internet, Video Games) your kids should be allowed per day. Eyewitness News wants to hear from you. How do you limit your child’s ‘screen time’? Post your comments (below), and they could appear on Eyewitness News First at 4 p.m.
Posted by WABC on June 27, 2011 in Television | Permalink | Comments (2) Categories Airport Security Books Celebrities Channel 7 Children Current Affairs Education Entertainment Food and Drink Gulf Oil Spill Health Holidays Movies Music New Jersey New York City New York State Parenting Politics President Obama Religion Royal Wedding Sports Summer Television Tips Travel US News Viral Video Web/Tech Recent PostsWho wants to live forever?Rationing toilet paper on Coney Island?Fast food and beerNew hire smoking banNew hire smoking banConsumer Reports surveys, rates fast-food jointsDoes Tracy Morgan need to apologize again?Teens and addictionSan Francisco pet sales ban proposal'Screen Time' and your kidsRecent CommentsJudith Kearney on Rationing toilet paper on Coney Island?Tony on Rationing toilet paper on Coney Island?Arlene on Rationing toilet paper on Coney Island?Linda D. on Rationing toilet paper on Coney Island?Jamillah Schmidt on Rationing toilet paper on Coney Island?David M Burke jr on New hire smoking banDavid M Burke jr on New hire smoking banivelisse on Rationing toilet paper on Coney Island?Ursula on Rationing toilet paper on Coney Island?Sarita Otero on Rationing toilet paper on Coney Island?ArchivesJuly 2011June 2011May 2011April 2011March 2011February 2011January 2011December 2010November 2010October 2010July 2011SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + (document.location.protocol == "https:" ? "https://sb" : "http://b") + ".scorecardresearch.com/beacon.js'%3E%3C/script%3E"));COMSCORE.beacon({ c1: 2, c2: "6035669", c3: "", c4: "http://wabc.typepad.com/interaction/", c5: "", c6: "", c15: ""});
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